Top 4 Best Practices for Developing Impactful Custom E-Learning Content


Nowadays every small and big organization has adopted e-learning courses to train their employees. They prefer custom e-learning content development services to prepare customized e-learning courses for the specific needs of their employees.

 There are mainly two reasons for choosing custom e-learning services:

● To create learner-centric content that helps them achieve their learning objectives.

● Learners’ engagement to get maximum ROI from the learning initiatives.

In this blog, we will mainly discuss the 4 best practices for developing impactful custom e-learning content. Read till the end to find out insightful information about it.

1. Know your audience and analyze their level of competency

Knowing your audience refers to the understanding of the competency level of the learners. Keep in mind that you are about to prepare a customized e-learning content for learners. As a subject matter expert from a reputed custom e-learning development company, you must understand what skills the learners have and are the things that they are yet to know. You can do this by knowing their educational qualification and their level of knowledge. This will help you to recognize their learning objectives and help you with creating content that meets their goals.

2. Define your e-learning objectives

Briefly define the learning objectives of your e-learning course and explain the things that the learners are supposed to learn. It should be mentioned in specific measurable terms about what the learners will achieve at the end of the course.

You will also have to spell out WIFM for the learners which denotes ‘What’s in for me’. As it is customized content, it should meet the personal requirement of every learner. Once they find that their need is met, only then they will show interest and engage with the course. Therefore, it is important to mention what they can individually expect from the course.

3. Allow the learners to have control over their course

Learners feel empowered when they take control over their own learning course. Therefore, self-paced learning also acts as a measure of assessment of their skills to themselves. They are able to assess their own progress when they are given to control their own learning process.

For custom e-learning content development, you need to cater to the needs of every individual with the help of different learning resources. Some might prefer written content while others may find it easy to learn from instructional videos. Also, not everyone will have the same level of knowledge initially therefore, always give the option to navigate through the course so that they can pick up the section they need to study. 

4. Determine the delivery method

In order to effectively fulfill the academic requirements of the learners. Here, the delivery method you choose plays a huge role. The effectiveness of your e-learning content depends on the delivery method you choose. The following are some of the delivery methods stated by the professionals of custom e-learning development company:


WBT stands from Web-Based Training is a great learning solution that can measure the goals. It also ensures that consistency is maintained while educating the employees or learners which means that all the employees perceive knowledge in a uniform manner.

● Video

A video is the best method of imparting knowledge when someone wants to explain a certain topic very quickly in an engaging manner without digging into many details. It does not require the learner to go through study materials, unlike the traditional learning process.


ILT stands for Instructor-Led Training. It the appropriate method of delivery for very complex topics which requires in-depth explanation and guidance of an expert. 

● Learning portal

A learning portal is the best way to deliver multiple topics inside a package in multiple delivery methods such as videos, animation, etc. It is like a one-stop solution for every sort of learning needs. It is appropriate for educating a group that has different levels of knowledge. 

Here we have reached the end of this blog. In this blog, we have briefly discussed the 4 best practices of custom e-learning content development that are ideally demanded by a lot of organizations for training their employees. Following the above-mentioned practices will help SMEs to create impactful content for them.  





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